July 15th 2024
Introduced in 2022, we have experienced rapid growth in the number of new and existing customers adopting the cloud hosted version of our Professional Standards solution!
Cloud hosted IAPro and companion applications are now offered on the super-secure Versaterm Public Safety platform.

Overview of our cloud hosting services
- Provides a robust, modern alternative to on-prem managed solution
- Available for new and existing customers
- HR and other data integration processes supported with secure staging of source data
- Data migration processes fully supported
- Customers have the choice of cloud hosted or "on-prem" managed
- On-prem customers can move to our cloud hosted environment if or when they so choose
Detail of our cloud hosting services
- Hosted in Microsoft Azure secure data centers
- Follows CJIS security standards
- Robust firewall and security tools
- End-to-End encryption
- Secure file share for all attachments that are encrypted at rest
- Database is encrypted at rest
- Database uses Point in Time Restore for a constant backup
- Support for Single Sign-on
- Redundant zone data storage
- Top Tier technical support from our team
- Constant monitoring of the environment, servers, applications and file storage